Wednesday 6 August 2008

Water Power Enterprise - (07/08)

Water Power Enterprises with the Torrs Hydro Directors - all in good spirits on the day of the Big Lift

In the last of our series of 'whose who' we look at Water Power Enterprises.

The Torrs Hydro New Mills project was started back in 2006 by Water Power Enterprises, a social enterprise whose mission was to set up small-scale hydro plants and reducing carbon emissions.

Ask Steve and Helen from WPE what they are about and they'll enthusiastically tell you that they are a social enterprise - a community interest company.

We’re proud to be tackling climate change with them and engaging with and supporting our local communities.

WPE are social developers - not private developers - and they are proud of it.


Travelling Bingham Blog said...

Hi, Hope all is going well on site and that we'll see some more news on the blog soon, maybe a video of the screw working?

I'm working on a new riverside scheme in Central Sheffield. It would be nice to include micro hydro, although we've only a low 1 metre head and dry weather flow of just over 1 cumec.

Would like to visit Torrs Hydro New Mills with our team from Sheffield... perhaps when you are not so busy. / Ric

Whewell said...

Hi Ric, good to hear from you and hope your scheme is going well. We are approaching handover phase at the moment and actually producing 'real' electricity.

Happy to host a visit - we are also in contact with another Sheffield group.

