Sunday, 16 October 2011

Unwrapping the railings, Archie playing catchup and we need some ideas !

Well the recent rains now means that Archie is producing in excess of 50kWh - regular clearances of the intake are required as this time of year leaves and general river debris gradually block the intake (if anyone would like a collection of traffic cones please shout?!) 
So if you see some of our volunteers (always in pairs for safety reasons) donning waders and pulling rubbish out of the river do come and say hello.

The time has come for the railings to be unwrapped!

'Hello, I'm Still Here' was a temporary installation as part of the New Mills Festival Woolly Wander which is now over, for this year at least.

Over the next few days Amanda will be unwrapping the railings. Each piece of fabric will be kept and used to create another piece of work. 

The intention is to create a ball of yarn from the fabric, this will involve plaiting, braiding, stitching and knotting. The messages that are hidden within the railings will become hidden within the ball of yarn. 
Everything will be kept together and and become the next phase of  'Hello, I'm Still Here'.
...and finally Esther (those old enough will get it...) some more good news, Torrs Hydro have £500 that we would like ideas on how to spend - it has to be something local but other than that anything will be considered so get your thinking caps on and drop an email to - we will pull together the ideas and have a vote