Friday 10 April 2009

Open days - (8 April)

Torrs Hydro are now opening up the site regularly once a month on alternating Saturdays and Sundays to show you what happens inside the engine house.

Sunday 26 April is the next scheduled opening where you can take a look behind the scenes with one of the team and find out more about how 'Archie' works, what a fish pass is for and ask all those questions you've always wanted answering - we're not promising we will know the answers to them all but we will try !

Also later in the year on the following dates Sat 30th May, Sun 28th June, Sat 25th July, Sun 30th August and Sat 26th September.

So that's Sunday 26 April at 1:00pm and 2:30pm - put it in your diary.

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